中文 / EN
In situ neutron scattering test device: IS-NS 1000
The device is suitable for in-situ neutron scattering test of thermal battery / lithium battery, and can collect electrical signal and NS data in the process of thermal battery reaction at the same time.

Technical description:

1. The device is a high-temperature quartz jacket with a diameter of 50 mm, a height of 270 mm and an assembly height (including electrodes, leads, etc.) of 360 mm;

2. The neutron transmission window is thinned to reduce the neutron absorption;

3. The device can be inserted into the neutron heating furnace, with the maximum tolerance temperature of 1400 ℃ and long-term service temperature of 1000 ℃;

4. The sample cell is made of high-purity V material and the maximum size of thermal battery φ twenty × 2mm;

5. The test chamber is equipped with a heat shield, and the upper flange is equipped with a water cooling system to ensure the electrical signal acquisition;

6. The top flange has at least 4 electrode leads;

7. The device has a set of inert atmosphere protection device, which can be closed unidirectionally;

8. The product belongs to customized non-standard products, please adjust according to the specific experimental needs;

The schematic diagram of the product is for reference only, not for reference.

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